To Be Successful in Business, You Have to Be Contrarian and Right

To Be Successful in Business, You Have to Be Contrarian and Right

Evan Nisselson first met Roelof Botha, Managing Partner and Steward of Sequoia Capital, while fundraising for his startup in 2005. Roelof said, “I think back to that meeting we had, and you had a vision for the future and the impact of visual, just imagery on consumer experiences was completely spot on.

At our 10th Annual LDV Vision Summit, Roelof joined Evan for a fireside chat to discuss trends and early-stage investment opportunities in businesses leveraging visual technologies and AI. They spoke about Roelof’s insights from the ups and downs of the PayPal days, marshmallow tests, personality traits and much more!

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Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Automation is revolutionizing legacy industries from healthcare and precision medicine to manufacturing and construction, to agriculture and sustainability. The adoption of visual technology innovations will continue to remain the crux of automation for the next decade and beyond.

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