LDV Community Meets Again in Person to Help Each Other Succeed: September NYC Edition

LDV Community Meets Again in Person to Help Each Other Succeed: September NYC Edition

We host our LDV Community Dinners & Happy Hours to bring together our community. At these events, you can meet the world’s brightest technology innovators, serial entrepreneurs and deep tech technologists, researchers and investors to discuss what's happening today, and what, most importantly, will happen tomorrow.

After two years of virtual meetings, we are thrilled to start hosting invite-only LDV Community events in person again! Check out a few photographs from our latest “Happy Hour” in NYC.

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Computer Vision Will Dramatically Affect The Travel Industry: People don't have to "go there" to "be there"

Computer Vision Will Dramatically Affect The Travel Industry: People don't have to "go there" to "be there"

Brian Cohen is the Chairman of NY Angels, the founding partner of NY Venture Partners and the author of An Angel Insider Reveals How Entrepreneurs Can Raise Smart Money For Their Billion-Dollar Idea. At the 3rd Annual LDV Vision Summit in 2016, he was a judge for the Startup Competition. Evan had a chance to catch up with him in April about the extensive investment opportunities leveraging visual technologies.

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