Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Automation is revolutionizing legacy industries from healthcare and precision medicine to manufacturing and construction, to agriculture and sustainability. The adoption of visual technology innovations will continue to remain the crux of automation for the next decade and beyond.

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Digital Fashion Gives Creators a New Form of Identity and Self-Expression in a Virtual World

Digital Fashion Gives Creators a New Form of Identity and Self-Expression in a Virtual World

Abby Hunter-Syed, Partner at LDV Capital, interviewed Caley Taylor, 3D Design Team Lead at CLO Virtual Fashion. They spoke about digital garments, 3D mockups and virtual fitting – all of which are revolutionizing the fashion industry today. Join us on December 8, and see where it’s all headed and whether we’ll all care for our virtual closets no less than for the physical ones.

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The Future of Online Shopping and Digital Fashion

The Future of Online Shopping and Digital Fashion

50% of clothing items purchased online are returned, in part, due to poor size or fit. Nour Karessli, Senior Data Scientist at Zalando, is utilizing state-of-the-art computer vision and AI to improve online shopping. She leverages the visual cues present in fashion images for a better understanding of the complex problem of size and fit.

Tune in to see Nour and Abigail Hunter-Syed, Partner at LDV Capital, discussing the future of online shopping and digital fashion in this episode of our Women Leading Visual Tech series.

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