Since 2012 - Timeline of Investing In People Building Businesses Powered by Visual Tech & AI

Since 2012 - Timeline of Investing In People Building Businesses Powered by Visual Tech & AI

Last year, we celebrated 10 years of investing in people building businesses powered by visual tech & AI, but it’s just the beginning! Visual technology innovations will continue to be the crux of automation for decades and beyond. Computer vision, machine learning and AI will be the key enablers for innovation in healthcare, precision medicine, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, sustainability, and many more industries.

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Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Visual Data is the Crux of AI & Automation for the Future of All Industries

Automation is revolutionizing legacy industries from healthcare and precision medicine to manufacturing and construction, to agriculture and sustainability. The adoption of visual technology innovations will continue to remain the crux of automation for the next decade and beyond.

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Investing Trends in Businesses Powered by Visual Technologies

Investing Trends in Businesses Powered by Visual Technologies

Curious about where the next visual technology investment opportunities are? Meet Lux Capital’s Deena Shakir, M12’s Samir Kumar, DCVC’s Kelly Chen, and Bloomberg’s Sarah McBride and see them discuss how Gen Z doesn’t see the camera as an app, they see it as a platform; how the next world war will not be fought by people, but by AI; and so much more!

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Visual Data is Propelling a New Wave of Climate Tech

Visual Data is Propelling a New Wave of Climate Tech

For far too long, sustainability has been viewed by big companies as more of a marketing campaign or non-profit exercise than a direct financial impact on their bottom line. But the tides are, literally, changing and advances in visual data collection, computer vision and AI are at a point where climate tech companies can leverage it to build businesses that provide financial benefit to mitigating climate impact. See more details in Evan Nisselson’s article.

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